Storytime with David Mandel, Professional “Super Angel” Investor

David talks diversification in tech startups, the importance of having real estate in startup angel investors’ portfolio, and having fun investing in the future.

Investor Interview: David Mandel

David Mandel joins Unicorn Events for a chat about investing.

Technical products need technical founders

David Mandel, Board Member of Pasadena Angels and Managing Partner of Emerging Ventures Fund, talks to (JP) Jeffery Potvin on early stage investing, emerging tech, fund economics, and his investment process.

Trucking Tower Podcast Episode 28

David Mandel joins Andy Hedrick on the Trucking Tower Podcast to discuss tips for success and pitfalls to avoid in the world of venture capital.

Y-Combinator Demo-Day Winter-2021 Batch

Today is Demo-Day for the YC (the famous Y-Combinator accelerator program) Winter-2021 batch.

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